Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Prince Ali, Fabulous he - Ali Ababwa. Genuflect, show some respect, down on one knee!

All folded in my flaps of flesh and skin
I hide a lamp with a magic Genie therein.

To summon this mighty being of mirrors and smoke,
You must reach under my folded flab and stroke.

No... not like that, just rub a little slower,
Yes... now move your hand a little lower.

He'll grant a boon if you keep up that pace,
Provided your wish is my Jizz in your Face.


  1. No more rude stuff. I want a poem about your involvement with every single item of foodstuff in. the. world. Genious. I like your blog Jonny. I just realised i spelled Genius wrong. IRONYYYYY

  2. i'll have you know i inspired that one, justin
