Monday, 14 September 2009

Six Word Stories (Title Under Consideration).

Six is too few; more please.

D.A.N.C.E. or, if you're tired, sit.

Concise phrases hold a certain elegance.

Crowded pages cause confusion. Give space.

Nip tuck - yuk. Fresh face - ace.

Release your hoses; keep the beans.

Punctuation; "denotes" TONE! Use; (with) care?

She loved me once. No more.

Colours fade. Fabrics shred. Remedy? Calgon!
(Other washing machine products are available)

Sugar high. Sugar low. Ennui ensues.

"Achoo" ... Disgraceful! My sneeze went unblessed.

Milk on the floor. Uncontrollably lachrymose.

Desperate, they searched. No alcohol remained.

Thank you. I really enjoyed that.

1 comment:

  1. Same deal as "If I could be anything..."
    Add as many as you want to this post - six words is the only rule.

    I really enjoy six word stories. There are loads of great ones out there. One of my favourites is by Alan Moore:

    "machine. Unexpectedly, I'd invented a time"

    Have fun!
